A small waterplane area twin hull (SWATH) has excellent seakeeping performance and low wave-making resistance, and it has been applied to small working craft, pleasure boats, and unmanned surface vehicles. However, with the increase in speed, the hydrodynamic resistance of SWATH will increase exponentially because of its large wet surface, followed by the uncomfortable situation of the hull underwater part relative to the water level and in terms of high trim by stern and high sinkage. A way to improve this situation is to reduce the depth of the draft at high speeds to ensure that all or a part of the volume of the submerged bodies is above the water level. Based on this idea, a new type of semi-SWATH hull form was analyzed in this paper. The two submerged bodies of the SWATH have a catamaran boat shape. This paper employed Sie-mens PLM Star-CCM+ to study the hydrodynamic performance of an advanced semi-SWATH model. Bare-hull resistance was estimated for both SWATH and CAT (CATAMARAN) modes in calm water. Moreover, the effect of fixed stabilizing fins with different angles on the vertical motions of the vessel in regular head waves was investigated with an overset mesh approach. The vertical motion responses were estimated at different wave encounter frequencies, and the present numerical method results have been verified by already published experimental data.