Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and atom probe tomography(APT)techniques were used to investigate the nano-scale ordered α2(Ti3Al)precipitates in Ti-Al binary alloys.Ti-6Al and Ti-8Al binary alloys were solution treated and aged to obtain Widmanstatten microstructure and promote α2 precipitates.The TEM results displayed strong short-range ordering of α2 precipitates in Ti-8Al alloy,while no evidence of the superlattice reflections of α2 in Ti-6Al alloy.The results acquired from APT showed the α2 clusters and atoms distribution at the interface between the matrix and α2 precipitates.The size and morphology of α2 particles in Ti-8Al alloy,respectively,obtained by TEM and APT are closely consistent.Meanwhile,the APT results displayed tiny size clusters in Ti-6Al alloy,which supposed to give evidence of the initial ordering process ofα2 precipitates in the absence of correlative results from TEM.