New Geiger-Nuttall law for two-proton radioactivity
New Geiger-Nuttall law for two-proton radioactivity
In the present work,a two-parameter empirical formula is proposed,based on the Geiger-Nuttall law,to study two-proton(2p)radioactivity.Using this formula,the calculated 2p radioactivity half-lives are in good agree-ment with the experimental data as well as with calculated results obtained by Goncalves et al.[Phys.Lett.B 774,14(2017)]using the effective liquid drop model(ELDM),Sreeja et al.[Eur.Phys.J.A 55,33(2019)]using a four-parameter empirical formula,and Cui et al.[Phys.Rev.C 101:014301(2020)]using a generalized liquid drop mod-el(GLDM).In addition,this two-parameter empirical formula is extended to predict the half-lives of 22 possible 2p radioactivity candidates with 2p radioactivity released energy Q2p > 0,obtained from the latest evaluated atomic mass table AME2016.The predicted results are highly consistent with those obtained using other theoretical models such as the ELDM,GLDM and four-parameter empirical formula.