We introduce a non-equiatomic Fe61Mnl8Si11Crlo medium entropy alloy designed by subjecting it to transformation-induced plasticity upon deformation at room temperature.Microstructure characterization carried out using scanning electron micros-copy (SEM),electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD),transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD)shows a homogeneous solid solution FCC + BCC structured dual phase.Investigations on the deformation substructures at specific strain levels via EBSD reveal the deformation-induced transformations of γ→ α'and γ→ ε.The strengths,particularly yield strength,of the designed alloy are found to be higher than these of the well-studied five component FeMnNiCoCr system for the introduction of the hard phase (α'-martensite).When tensile tests are performed at different strain rates of 10-4 s-1,10-3 s-1,10-2 s-1,the tested material exhibits a slightly negative strain rate sensitivity and work hardening rate sensitivity.