Objective: To analyze the risk factors of COVID - 19 infection in Danzhou, Hainan province. Methods: Case-control study was used, and the 1:4 control group of healthy residents (in Danzhou, Haikou, Beijing) were selected based on the matching conditions including same age and sex, age ±2 years. The main contents of the questionnaire included living habits, dietary habits living environment, and exposure history. Results: There were 14 COVID - 19 patients in Danzhou. And the control group included 56 residents from Danzhou, Haikou and Beijing. It was found that 85.7% (12/14) of the subjects in the case group exercise regularly. The exercise places were mainly community parks in Danzhou and Haikou, while mainly gyms or stadiums in Beijing. For dietary habits, control group in Beijing tended to using serving chopsticks when having dinner with family members or others than that in the case group (50.0% vs. 21.4%, 78.6% vs. 35.7%). The results of exposure history showed that living in Wuhan or other city with cases reports in recent two months, contacting people who had living history in Wuhan or other city with cases reports in recent two months, and contacted people who confirmed COVID-19 infection or had symptoms recent two months were risk factors. Conclusion: For infectious diseases, exposure history was the most important risk factor. The influence of lifestyle differences may be smaller compared with exposure, and the individual specificity might lead to the infection-related factors difficult to found. In future studies, matching variables should be carefully selected in the case-control study of infectious diseases, and possible risk factors should be more comprehensively investigated.