The Back-n white neutron source (known as Back-n) is based on back-streaming neutrons from the spal-lation target at the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS).With its excellent beam properties,e.g.,a neutron flux of approximately 1.8×107 n/cm2/s at 55 m from the spallation target,energy range spanning from 0.5 eV to 200 MeV,and time-of-flight resolution of a few per thousand,along with the equipped physical spectrometers,Back-n is considered to be among the best facilities in the world for carrying out nuclear data measurements.Since its comple-tion and commencement of operation in May 2018,five types of cross-section measurements concerning neutron capture cross-sections,fission cross-sections,total cross-sections,light charged particle emissions,in-beam gamma spectra,and more than forty nuclides have been measured.This article presents an overview of the experimental setup and result analysis on the neutron-induced cross-section measurements and gamma spectroscopy at Back-n in the initial years.