The dynamics of high-energy proton-induced spallation reactions on target nuclides of 56Fe,58Ni,107Ag,112Cd,184W,181Ta,197Au,and 208Pb are investigated with the quantum molecular dynamics transport model motiv-ated by the China initiative Accelerator Driven System(CiADS)in Huizhou and the China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS)in Dongguan.The production mechanism of light nuclides and fission fragments is thoroughly ana-lyzed,and the results obtained thereby are compared with available experimental data.The statistical code GEMINI is employed in conjunction with a transport model for describing the decay of primary fragments.For the treatment of cluster emission during the preequilibrium stage,a surface coalescence model is implemented into the model.It is found that the available data in terms of total fragment yields are well reproduced in the combined approach for spal-lation reactions both on the heavy and light targets.The energetic light nuclides(deuteron,triton,helium isotopes etc)mainly created during the preequilibrium stage are treated within the framework of surface coalescence,where-as their evaporation is described in the conventional manner by the GEMINI code.With this combined approach,a good overall description of light clusters and neutron emission is obtained,and some discrepancies with the experi-mental data are discussed.Possible production of radioactive isotopes in the spallation reactions is also analyzed,i.e.,the 6,8He energy spectra.