In this paper,we present a parallelized microfluidic device with improved ladder-tree distributors for the scaled-up production of monodisperse microspheres.Owing to the improved distribution form com-prising a ladder distributor in the center and tree distributors around the circumference,the uniformity of the generated droplets for our device was improved by 32.9% and 86.1% compared to those achieved in devices with conventional tree and ladder distributors,respectively,in the final production stage with 32 droplet generators,indicating the potential of our device for further scale-up while maintaining the monodispersity of the generated droplets.The effect of the 2D scale-up of our device was investigated by varying the continuous-phase flow rate and viscosity.Using our device,γ-Al2O3 microspheres with a diameter of 598.1 μm and a CV of 2.58%,as catalyst support for microreactors,were continuously syn-thesized at high production rate.The nickel-based catalyst prepared from γ-Al2O3 microspheres with large specific surface area and pore volume had an average NiO size of 14 nm,which was 60.9% of that supported on industrial support.The CO methanation conversion of the Ni@Al2O3 microspheres was 1.7 times larger than Ni@Al2O3 industrial support at 140 ℃.