Arbutus unedo L. (strawberry tree, Ericaceae) is a woody species with a circum-Mediterranean distribu-tion. It has considerable ecological relevance in southern European forests due to its resilience to abiotic and biotic stressors. Its edible red berries are used in the production of traditional products, including an expensive spirit. Several compounds extracted from the species have bioactive prop-erties used by the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The strawberry tree has gone from a neglected species to become a highly valuable crop with large cultivated areas in southern European and North African countries. Due to an increasing demand from farmers for plants with improved features, researchers have been trying to improve this spe-cies through conventional and biotechnological tools, focus-ing mainly on population analysis using molecular markers, in vitro cloning, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and intraspecific crosses to obtain genotypes with new char-acteristics. The objective of this review is to gather and update information about the species and make it available to researchers and stakeholders. Future research areas that are considered a priority for this species are highlighted.