In current wireless communication and electronic systems,digital signals and electromagnetic(EM)radi-ation are processed by different modules.Here,we propose a mechanism to fuse the modulation of digital signals and the manipulation of EM radiation on a single programmable metasurface(PM).The PM con-sists of massive subwavelength-scale digital coding elements.A set of digital states of all elements forms simultaneous digital information roles for modulation and the wave-control sequence code of the PM.By designing digital coding sequences in the spatial and temporal domains,the digital information and far-field patterns of the PM can be programmed simultaneously and instantly in desired ways.For the experi-mental demonstration of the mechanism,we present a programmable wireless communication system.The same system can realize transmissions of digital information in single-channel modes with beam-steerable capability and multichannel modes with multiple independent information.The measured results show the excellent performance of the programmable system.This work provides excellent pro-spects for applications in fifth-or sixth-generation wireless communications and modern intelligent plat-forms for unmanned aircrafts and vehicles.