Recent deep-diving expeditions in the South China Sea (SCS)discovered abundant indigenous cold-water corals [1].Cold-water corals,preferentially inhabiting the low-latitude intermediate and deep waters with hard substrates and a cool water temperature,have great potential to be applied in researches of the ocean inte-rior by providing high-resolution records [2,3].Among cold-water corals,the bamboo coral (Order:Gorgonacea,Family:lsididae) may be the most promising group whose skeleton keeps sequential track of intermediate water conditions over a multi-decadal inter-val,but the paleoceanographic study of bamboo coral is still a vacancy in the SCS.Here we report the first cut-and-try experi-ments on the chronology and composition of a bamboo coral from the intermediate water of the SCS,exploring its paleoceanographic potentials in the subtropical western Pacific region.