The high degree of crystallinity of discharging intermediates of Li-S batteries (Li2S2/Li2S) causes a severe capacity attenuation at low temperatures.Herein,a sulfur-rich polymer is fabricated,which enables all the discharging intermediates to exist in an amorphous state without long-range order,promoting the substantial conversion of discharging intermediates and enhancing Li-S batteries' performance at low temperatures greatly.This cathode material exhibits excellent performance both at room and low tem-peratures.Even under an extremely low temperature (-40 ℃),the discharge capacity can remain 67%of that at room temperature.Besides,in-situ UV/Vis spectroscopy and density functional theory calcula-tions reveal that this organosulfur cathode undergoes a new mechanism during discharge.Li2S6 and Li2S3 are the primary discharging intermediates that are quite different from conventional Li-S batteries.These results provide a new direction for a broader range of applications of Li-S batteries.