【正】 High Spin states of the odd-odd <sup>162</sup>Lu nucleus have been studied via <sup>147</sup>Sm(<sup>19</sup>F,4nγ)reaction at90 MeV beam energy.Level scheme for yrast band based on π[h<sub>11/2</sub>]v[i<sub>13/2</sub>]configuration was estab-lished,for the first time,up to I<sup>π</sup>=23<sup>-</sup>.This band shows the signature inversion in energy before band-bending generally appeared in this mass region.It is stressed that the signature splitting in <sup>162</sup>Lu is biggerthan that in <sup>160</sup>Tm which could be understood in the framewrok of the cranked shell model if taking posi-tire γ-triaxiality into account.