On the basis of the beaming model, we have derived a relation between the observed polarization (Pob) and Doppler-corrected optical magnitude (mcorr), logPob = 0.4(1 - k)mkcorr+ C. We tested the correlation between Pob and mcorr. The main results are as follows: (1) for both high and low states, there are strong correlations between Pob and mcorr for 29 RBLs with well-observed polarization and Doppler factor, where mcorr = mob + (3 + α) log δ/0.4, and δ is the optical Doppler factor; (2) no correlation exists between Pob and the observed optical magnitude, mob, for the
29 RBLs in high state, but there is a close correlation for the 29 RBLs in low state; (3) however, there is an obvious
anti-correlation between Pob and mcorr for 35 XBLs with good simultaneous observation data. Our results show that
(i) a new difference in polarization is found between RBLs and XBLs; (ii) this difference in polarization between RBLs
and XBLs seems really to be physical differences.