Search for Signature Inversion in the πi13/2 vi13/2 Band in Odd-Odd 178Ir
The search for the ri13/2 vi13/2 band in 178Ir has been conducted through the 152Sm(31 P, 5nγ) 178Ir reaction
and the excitation functions, x-γ and γ-γ-t coincidence measurements. Five rotational bands have been newly
identified. The low-spin signature inversion in the πi13/2 vi13/2 band has been confirmed by the observations
of linking transitions and signature crossing at I = 25.5 h. The inversion phenomenon in rh11/2 vi13/2,
rh9/2 vi13/2 and ri13/2 vi13/2 structures in 178Ir provides a unique testing ground for different theoretical