A mathematical model of a rotor system with clearances is analysed by the application of modern nonlinear dynamic theory. From the bifurcation diagrams, it is discovered that the rotor system alternates between periodic and chaotic motions at a supercritical rotational speed, and after undergoing a chaotic region the periodic number of the motion will increase by one. At the same time, the periodic number is equal correspondingly to the integral multiple of the critical rotational speed. At the subcritical rotational speed, it is discovered that the chaotic bands among successive orders of superharmonic responses return to the period one through a reversed period-doubling bifurcation, as a result of a period-doubling bifurcation. It is shown that the increase of damping may reduce the width of the chaotic bands and the amphlitude of the periodic response; the increase of nonlinear degree also leads to the reduction of chaotic bandwidth,but makes the amplitude of the subharmonic response increase. So it is suggested that proper damping and correct material selection by considering the dynamic characteristics of the rotor system may reduce the proportion of faults and enhance the dynamic characteristics when designing the rotor system. The working speed should not be selected at N times its natural frequency and should not be set in the chaotic bands among the successive orders of periodic motion for the same purpose.