Objective: To investigate the serotypes and auxotypesdistribution of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Guangzhou.Method: 131 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae wereserotyped by co-agglutination test and 108 strains wereauxotyped by La Scolea′s method.Results: Out of 131 strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae ,87.8% (115/131) were WⅡ/WⅢ, while 9.9% (13/131) wereWI. The most important auxotypes were Proto, Pro and ILe,42.6% (46/108), 21.3% (23/108) and 12.0%, respectively. WⅡ/WⅢ was distributed among the all auxotypes aboveand WI found only in both Proto and Pro.Conclusion: The study illustrated the prevailing serotype,WⅡ/WⅢ, and higher prevalence of Ile- in Guangzhou.