This study was to discuss the effect of warmed infusion on extensive burn complicated with low body temperature during its shock resuscitation stage. We used rabbit 35 % TBSA Ⅲ burn model to undergo resuscitation. Fluids warmed to 38 ~ 39℃ were applied in experimental group. Fluids at room temperature( 18 ~ 22℃ ) were applied in control group. The speed of rewarming, rewarming time and hemorheological indexes of the animals were observed. Results The speed of rewarming in experimental group was quick. The mean rewarming time in this group was obviously shortened. In the beginning of resuscitation, all the hemorheological indexes were higher than normal values in both groups. After resuscitation, all the indexes decreased fast with a large extent in experimental group. And they remained lower levels during the whole observation. We suggested that: 1 ) Warmed infusion can improve tissue microcirculation and the effect of shock resuscitation by ameliorating hemorheological characteristics. 2 ) It is convenient and effective to apply warmed infusion in shock resuscitation of burn. It can speed up rewarming and shorten rewarming time.