The exact solutions of the rate equations of the n-polymer stochastic aggregation involving two types of clusters,active and passive for the kernel n∏κ=1 siκ (siκ=iκ) and n∑κ=1 siκ (siκ= iκ), are obtained. The large-mass behaviours of thefinal mass distribution of the active and passive clusters have scaling-like forms, although the models exhibit different2n+1 2n+1 ∏properties. Respectively, they have different decay exponents γ=(2n+1)/2(n-1)and γ = q +(2n+1)/2(n-1) forn∏κ=1 siκ (siκ=iκ)and γ =3/ 2(n - 1) and γ = q + 3/2(n - 1) for n∑κ=1 siκ (siκ= iκ), which include exponents of two-polymer stochasticaggregation. We also find that gelation is suppressed for kernel ∏ siκ (sik=iκ) which is different from the deterministicaggregation.