【正】 It’s the best choice to watch the Dongting Lake sceneIn this spectacular region.With her mouth the great lake holds the remotemountain,Swallowing the Yanytze River over and over again,Wave upon wave, rolling on and on,Reaching the distant end of the heaven.The morning sun shines but the setting sun in rain,Sitting majestic in all her variety;That’s the watchtower’s grand beauty!Being cloudy, it’s drizzling leisurely.For a month, no shine,The cloudy wind will roar like a lion.The disordered billows jump up to the skyAs the hidden sun and stars don’t shine.Lofty mountains would be camouflaged.There was no merchant or traveler on the boatDriven hard by an oar with the lean mast.The thin dusk turned imperceptible in mist.The tiger’s yell or the monkey’s cry was heard.Stepping up to such a watchtower,To think of his native land must be the visitor,Fearing no criticism or mock from the other.All the depressed sight-seersWill be deeply moved and sadder,If the warm spring scenery is brightThe terrifying waves w