The stationary correlation function and the associated relaxation time for a general system driven by crosscorrelated white noises are derived, by virtue of a Stratonovich-like ansatz. The effects of correlated noises on the relaxation time of a bistable kinetic model coupled to an additive and a multiplicative white noises are studied. It is proved that for small fluctuations the relaxation time Tc as a function of λ (the correlated intensity between noises)exhibits very different behaviours for α< D and for α> D (α and D, respectively, stand for the intensities of additive and multiplicative noises). When α> D, Tc increases with increasing λ. But when α< D, Tc increases with λ for the case of weak correlated noises and sharply decreases with λ for the case of strong correlated noises, and thus Tc-λ curve behaves with one extremum.