Aim: To manage male infertility with obstructive azoospermia by means of percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) and intrauterine insemination (IUI). Methods: Ninety azoospermic patients with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (BAVD, n=58) or bilateral caudal epididymal obstruction (BCEO, n=32) requesting for fine needle aspiration (FNA), PESA and IUI were recruited. The obstruction was diagnosed by vasography and determination of the fructose, carnitine and alpha-glucosidase levels in the seminal fluid. Results: The mean sperm motility, density, abnormal sperm and total sperm count of the caput epdidymis were 16 %±22 %, (12±31) *106/mL, 55 %±36 % and (16±14)*106, respectively. In the 90 couples, a total of 74 PESA procedures and 66 cycles of IUI were performed. Three pregnancies resulted, including one twin pregnancy giving birth to two healthy boys, one single pregnancy with a healthy girl and another single pregnancy aborted at week 6 of conception. The pregnancy rate per I