[篇名] 2007 analytical reasons: in five year's time, diesel emission regulations tighten, forcing the need for improved analytical instruments - what to do? [ 篇名 ] A compressible flow theory for regenerative compressors with aerofoil blades, [篇名 ] A new battery system for the Estima hybrid minivan, [篇名 ] Air/furl ratio and residual gas fraction control using physical models for engines with widely variable valve timing, [ 篇名 ] Air/fuel ratio and residual gas fraction control using physical models for high boost engines with variable valve timing, [ 篇名 ] ALMOST SURE WEAK CONVERGENCE FOR THE CIRCULAR ENSEMBLES OF DYSON, [ 篇名 ] An analysis of working process of the blower-transformer, [篇名] An experimental study of the thermal performance of an earth-air-pipe system in single pass mode, [篇名 ] Analysis of emissions associated with die lubrication on a 14---ton machine, [ 篇名] Analysis of peak torque of line-operated synchronous machines subjected to symmetrical voltage sags, [篇名 ] Application of an electric boosting system to a small, four-cylinder S.I. engine, [ 篇名] Application of spectral-based substructuring approach to analyze the dynamic interactions of powertrain structures.