[篇名] A basic study for homogeneous charge compression ignition of isooctane by using chemical kinetic simulation, [ 篇名 ] A methodology for in-cylinder flow field evaluation in a low stroke-to-bore SI engine, [篇名] A novel micro free-piston swing engine (MFPSE) and the validation of its feasibility (part 1), [篇名] A study of low temperature oxidation in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine with dimethyl ether, [篇名] A universal heat transfer correlation for intake and exhaust flows in an spark-ignition internal combustion engine, [ 篇名 ] A well-to-wheel comparison of several powertrain technologies, [ 篇名] An analytic model for cylinder pressure in a four-stroke SI ENGINE, [ 篇名 ] An assessment of intake and exhaust philosophies for variable valve timing, [ 篇名 ] An clectromcchanical valve drive incorporating a nonlinear mechanical transformer.