Incremental deformation analysis of shell and corrugated diaphragm based on arbitrary configuration
With respect to an arbitrary configuration of a deformed structure, two sets of incremental equations are proposed for the deformation analysis of revolution shells and diaphragms loaded by both lateral pressures and the initial stresses produced in manufacturing. These general equations can be reduced to the simplified Koiter's Reissner-Meissner-Reissner (RMR) equations and the simplified Reissner's equations, when the initial stresses are set to zero.They can also be deduced to the total Lagrange form or the updated Lagrange form, respectively, as the structure is specified as the un-deformed or the former-deformed configurations. These incremental equations can be easily transformed into finite difference forms and solved by common numerical solvers of ordinary differential equations. Some numerical examples are presented to show the applications of the incremental equations to the deep shell of revolution and the corrugated diaphragms used in microelectronical mechanical system (MEMS). The results are in good agreement with those from finite element method (FEM).