We have investigated the resonant propagation of femtosecond laser pulse in 4-trans-[p-(N, N-Di-n-butylamino)-p-stilbenyl vinyl] pyridine medium with permanent dipole moments. The electronic structures and parameters for the compound have been calculated by using density functional theory. In the optical regime, there is one charge-transfer state, and the molecule can thus be simplified as a two-level system. Both the one- and two-photon transitions occur between the ground and charge-transfer states. The numerical results show that the permanent dipole moments have an obvious effect on the propagation of the ultrashort pulse laser. The ideal self-induced transparency disappears for 2π pulse, and second harmonic spectral components occur significantly due to the two-photon absorption process. For the 6π pulse, continuum frequency generation is produced and a shorter duration pulse in time domain with 465 as is obtained.