Seismic responses of a hemispherical alluvial valley to SV Waves: a three-dimensional analytical approximation
An analytical solution to the three-dimensional scattering and diffraction of plane SV-waves by a saturated hemispherical alluvial valley in elastic halfspace is obtained by using Fourier-Bessel series expansion technique.The hemispherical alluvial valley with saturated soil deposits is simulated with Biot's dynamic theory for saturated porous media.The following conclusions based on numerical results can be drawn:(1) there are a significant differences in the seismic response simulation between the previous single-phase models and the present two-phase model;(2)the normalized displacements on the free surface of the alluvial valley depend mainly on the incident wave angles,the dimensionless frequency of the incident SV waves and the porosity of sediments;(3)with the increase of the incident angle,the displacement distributions become more complicated,and the displacements on the free surface of the alluvial valley increase as the porosity of sediments increases.