First-Principles Study of Orthorhombic Perovskites MgSiO3 up to 120GPa and Its Geophysical Implications
High-pressure behaviour of orthorhombic MgSiO3 perovskite crystal is simulated by using the density functional theory and plane-wave pseudopotentials approach up to 120GPa pressure at zero temperature. The lattice constants and mass density of the MgSiO3 crystal as functions of pressure are computed, and the corresponding bulk modulus and bulk velocity are evaluated. Our theoretical results agree well with the high-pressure experimental data. A thermodynamic method is introduced to correct the temperature effect on the 0-K first-principles results of bulk wave velocity, bulk modulus and mass density in lower mantle P/T range. Taking into account the temperature corrections, the corrected mass density, bulk modulus and bulk wave velocity of MgSiO3-perovskite are estimated from the first-principles results to be 2%, 4%, and 1% lower than the preliminary reference Earth model (PREM) profile, respectively, supporting the possibility of a pure perovskite lower mantle model.