Finite element simulations on the mechanical properties of MHS materials
Finite element simulations are carried out toexamine the mechanical behavior of the metallic hollowsphere (MHS) material during their large plastic defor-mation and to estimate the energy absorbing capac-ity of these materials under uniaxial compression.Asimplified model is proposed from experimental obser-vations to describe the connection between theneighboring spheres,which greatly improves the com-putation efficiency.The effects of the governing physi-cal and geometrical parameters are evaluated; whilst aspecial attention is paid to the plateau stress,which isdirectly related to the energy absorbing capacity.Finally,the empirical functions of the relative material densityare proposed for the elastic modulus,yield strength andplateau stress for FCC packing arrangement of hollowspheres,showing a good agreement with the experimen-tal results obtained in our previous study.