Detonation initiation developing from the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability
Detonation initiation resulting from theRichtmyer-Meshkov instability is investigated numericallyin the configuration of the shock/spark-induced-deflagrationinteraction in a combustive gas mixture. Two-dimensionalmulti-species Navier-Stokes equations implemented with thedetailed chemical reaction model are solved with thedispersion-controlled dissipative scheme. Numerical resultsshow that the spark can create a blast wave and ignite defla-grations. Then, the deflagration waves are enhanced due tothe Richtmyer-Meshkov instability, which provides detona-tion initiations with local environment conditions. Byexamining the deflagration fronts, two kinds of the initiationmechanisms are identified. One is referred to as the deflagra-tion front acceleration with the help of the weak shock wave,occurring on the convex surfaces, and the other is the hotspot explosion deriving from the deflagration front focusing,occurring on the concave surfaces.