Nonlinear formulation for flexible multibody system with large deformation
In this paper,nonlinear modeling forflexible multibody system with large deformation isinvestigated.Absolute nodal coordinates are employedto describe the displacement,and variational motionequations of a flexible body are derived on the basisof the geometric nonlinear theory,in which both theshear strain and the transverse normal strain are takeninto account.By separating the inner and the bound-ary nodal coordinates,the motion equations of a flexi-ble multibody system are assembled.The advantage ofsuch formulation is that the constraint equations and theforward recursive equations become linear because theabsolute nodal coordinates are used.A spatial doublependulum connected to the ground with a spherical jointis simulated to investigate the dynamic performance offlexible beams with large deformation.Finally,the resul-tant constant total energy validates the present formu-lation.