Numerical simulation of blood flow and interstitial fluid pressure in solid tumor microcirculation based on tumor-induced angiogenesis
A coupled intravascular-transvascular-interstitial fluid flow model is developed to study the distributions of blood flow and interstitial fluid pressure in solid tumor microcirculation based on a tumor-induced microvascular network.This is generated from a 2D nine-point discrete mathematical model of tumor angiogenesis and contains two parent vessels.Blood flow through the microvascular network and interstitial fluid flow in tumor tissues are performed by the extended Poiseuille's law and Darcy's law, respectively, transvascular flow is described by Starling's law; effects of the vascular permeability and the interstitial hydraulic conductivity are also considered. The simulation results predict the heterogeneous blood supply, interstitial hypertension and low convectionon the inside of the tumor, which are consistent with physiological observed facts. These results may provide beneficial information for anti-angiogenesis treatment of tumor and further clinical research.