Steady vortex force theory and slender-wing flow diagnosis
The concept vortex force in aerodynamics is sys-tematically examined based on a new steady vortex-force theory (Wu et al., Vorticity and vortex dynamics, Springer, 2006) which expresses the aerodynamic force (and moment) by the volume and boundary integrals of the Lamb vector.In this paper, the underlying physics of this theory is explo-red, including the general role of the Lamb vector in non-linear aerodynamics, its initial formation, and its relevance to the total-pressure non-uniformity. As a typical example, the theory is applied to the flow over a slender delta wing at a large angle of attack. The highly localized flow structures with high Lamb-vector peaks are identified in terms of their net contribution to various constituents of the total aerody-namic force. This vortex-force diagnosis sheds new light on the flow control and configuration optimization.