A nonlinear kp-εp particle two-scale turbulence model and its application
A particle nonlinear two-scale Kp-εp turbulence model is proposed for simulating the anisotropic turbulent two-phase flow. The particle kinetic energy equation for two-scale fluctuation, particle energy transfer rate equation for large-scale fluctuation, and particle turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate equation for small-scale fluctuation are deri-ved and closed. This model is used to simulate gas-particle flows in a sudden-expansion chamber. The simulation is com-pared with the experiment and with those obtained by using another two kinds of tow-phase turbulence model, such as the single-scale k-ε two-phase turbulence model and the particle two-scale second-order moment (USM) two-phase turbulence model. It is shown that the present model gives simulation in much better agreement with the experiment than the single-scale k-ε two-phase turbulence model does and is almost as good as the particle two-scale USM turbu-lence model.