An improved large eddy simulation of two-phase flows in a pump impeller
An improved large eddy simulation using a dynamic second-order sub-grid-scale (SGS) stress model has been developed to model the governing equations of dense turbulent particle-liquid two-phase flows in a rotating coordi-nate system, and continuity is conserved by a mass-weighted method to solve the filtered governing equations. In the cur-rent second-order SGS model, the SGS stress is a function of both the resolved strain-rate and rotation-rate tensors, and the model parameters are obtained from the dimensional consis-tency and the invariants of the strain-rate and the rotation-rate tensors. In the numerical calculation, the finite volume method is used to discretize the governing equations with a staggered grid system. The SIMPLEC algorithm is applied for the solution of the discretized governing equations. Body-fitted coordinates are used to simulate the two-phase flows in complex geometries. Finally the second-order dynamic SGS model is successfully applied to simulate the dense turbu-lent particle-liquid two-phase flows in a centrifugal impeller. The predicted pressure and velocity distributions are in good agreement with experimental results.