Influence of wall slip on the hydrodynamic behavior of a two-dimensional slider bearing
In the present paper, a multi-linearity method is used to address the nonlinear slip control equation for the hydrodynamic analysis of a two-dimensional (2-D) slip gap flow. Numerical analysis of a finite length slider beating with wall slip shows that the surface limiting shear stress exerts complicated influences on the hydrodynamic behavior of the gap flow. If the slip occurs at either the stationary surface or the moving surface (especially at the stationary surface),there is a transition point in the initial limiting shear stress for the proportional coefficient to affect the hydrodynamic load support in two opposite ways: it increases the hydrody-namic load support at higher initial limiting shear stresses, but decreases the hydrodynamic load support at lower ini-tial limiting shear stresses. If the slip occurs at the moving surface only, no fluid pressure is generated in the case of null initial limiting shear stress. If the slip occurs at both the surfaces with the same slip property, the hydrodynamic load support goes off after a critical sliding speed is reached. A small initial limiting shear stress and a small proportionality coefficient always give rise to a low friction drag.