Analysis of a permeable interface crack in elastic dielectric/piezoelectric bimaterials
A permeable interface crack between elastic dielectric material and piezoelectric material is studied based on the extended Stroh's formalism. Motivated by strong engi-neering demands to design new composite materials, the authors perform numerical analysis of interface crack tip sin-gularities and the crack tip energy release rates for 35 types of dissimilar bimaterials, respectively, which are constructed by five kinds of elastic dielectric materials: Epoxy, Poly-mer, A1203, SiC, and Si3N4 and seven kinds of practical piezoelectric ceramics: PZT-4, BaTiO3, PZT-5H, PZT-6B,PZT-7A, P-7, and PZT-PIC 151, respectively. The elastic dielectric material with much smaller permittivity than com-mercial piezoelectric ceramics is treated as a special trans-versely isotropic piezoelectric material with extremely small piezoelectricity. The present investigation shows that the structure of the singular field near the permeable interface crack tip consists of three singularities: r-1/2±iε and r-1/2,which is quite different from that in the impermeable inter-face crack. It can be concluded that different far field load-ing cases have significant influence on the near-tip fracture behaviors of the permeable interface crack. Based on the present theoretical treatment and numerical analysis, the elec-tric field induced crack growth is well explained, which pro-vides a better understanding of the failure mechanism induced from interface crack growth in elastic dielectric/piezoelectric bimaterials.