Fast Determination of Clenbuterol and Salbutamol in Feed and Meat Products Based on Miniaturized Capillary Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection
The fast separation capability of a novel miniaturized capillary electrophoresis with an amperometric detection (μCE-AD) system was demonstrated by determining clenbuterol and salbutamol in real samples.The effects of several factors such as the acidity and concentration of the running buffer,the separation voltage,the applied potential and the injection time on CE-AD were examined and optimized.Under the optimum conditions,the two β-agonists could be baseline separated within 60 s at a separation voltage of 2 kV in a 90 mmol/L H3BO3-Na2B4O7 running buffer (pH 7.4),which was not interfered by ascorbic acid and uric acid.Highly linear response was obtained for above compounds over three orders of magnitude with detection limits ranging from 1.20 × 10-7 to 6.50× 10-8 mol/L (S/N=3).This method was successfully used in the analysis of feed and meat products with relatively simple extraction procedures.