Structure and 57Fe conversion electron M(o)ssbauer spectroscopy study of Mn-Zn ferrite nanocrystal thin films by electroless plating in aqueous solution
Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 thin films with various Zn contents and of different thickness were synthesized on glass substrates directly by electroless plating in aqueous solution at 90℃ without heat treatment. The Mn-Zn ferrite films have a single spinel phase structure and well-crystallized columnar grains growing per-pendicularly to the substrates. The results of conversion electron 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) indicate that the cation distribution of Mn-xZnxFe2O4 ferrite nanocrystal thin films fabricated by elec-troless plating is different from the bulk materials' and a great quantity of Fe3+ ions are still present on A sites for x>0.5. When the Zn content of the films increases, Fe3+ ions in the films transfer from A sites to B sites and the hyperfine magnetic field reduces, suggesting that Zn2+ has strong chemical affinity towards the A sites. On the other side, with the increase of the thickness of the films, Fe3+ ions, at B sites in the spinel structure, increase and the array of magnetic moments no longer lies in the thin film plane completely. At x=0.5, Hc and Ms of Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 thin films show a minimum of 3.7 kA/m and a maximum of 419.6 kA/m, respectively.
Structure and 57Fe conversion electron M(o)ssbauer spectroscopy study of Mn-Zn ferrite nanocrystal thin films by electroless plating in aqueous solution