Ionospheric perturbations before Pu'er earthquake observed on DEMETER
A destructive shock with magnitude of 6.3 occurred on 2 June 2007 at 21h34min56s UT in Pu'er region (23.0°N, 101.1°E), Yunnan Province, China. The data from DEMETER satellite during the period from 23 May to 2 June, i.e., ten days before the earthquake and one day just on the day of earthquake occurrence, were analyzed. Among the 284 orbits of DEMETER during the period, 29 orbits with the trace passing through the region within 1 888 km from the epicenter were selected to be studied. Seven anomalous events were found on the dataset of the seven orbits among the 29 ones. There existed synchronous perturbations on the variations of the spectrogram of the electric field and the variations of the density and temperature of the ions and electron, in contrast with the variations of its surrounding area. And five events appeared in the space within 1 888 km from the epicenter while the other two were out of the studied area. Electrostatic turbulences were also recorded with the synchronous perturbations with that in the electron density and ions density in plasma in the region near the epicenter in the five events, which seems to suggest that there be some physical relation between these events and the preparation processes of Pu'er earthquake.