Geometric structure and formation mechanism of Lintong-Chang'an fault zone
The results from investigation of large quantity of fault outcrops and artificial earthquakes suggest that the Lin- tong-Chang'an fault zone mainly consists of two faults. One is the Majie-Nianwan fault that separates a branch of Wangjiabian-Houjiawan fault on the fight bank of the Bahe River; the other is the Hujiagou-Shoupazhang fault that separates a branch of Zhongdicun-Tangjiazhai fault in Tongrenyuan and Shaolingyuan. As tensional dip-slip normal faults, the faults distribute with approximately parallel equal intervals in local regions and the profiles drop in a step-like form to the northwest, presenting a Y-shape combination. The result from deep seismic reflection indicates that the fault is about 5-8 km in depth, which is not only a basement fault, but also a listric normal fault in the deep stratum. The Lintong-Chang'an fault is a typical outstretching rift system under the NS-trending ten- sion stress field. At the same time, affected by the sinistral strike slip of the Yuxia-Tieluzi fault, the fault extends like a broom from the northeast to the southwest.