Based on the basic theory description of 3S, and gave the example of dump of Hanzhou open-pit which belongs to Fuxin Mining Group, first of all, used the GPS tech-nology of static and RTK to get the three-dimensional position of the points in survey con-trol network and the topographic maps before and after the reclamation in reclamation area; used the technology of GPS RTK to calibrate the geometric elements designed in land reclamation, at the same time to get the actual coordinates of the design point after layout. Then, used RS technology to supervise systematically on land reclamation of min-ing area from the time to space; finally, used GIS technology to display 3-D visualization, analyze, manage, and enquire the date obtained by GPS and RS data, which can facilitate the decision decision-makers to plan land reclamation current and tong-term, and can be extended to other mines which have same or similar conditions.