Physical aging in Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 typical bulk metallic glass manifested as enthalpy relaxation
Enthalpy recovery is not only an important characteristic of physical aging of glass, but also a good tool to investigate the physical aging. Using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), the enthalpy recovery of Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 bulk metallic glass (BMG) was studied. The typical characteristics of enthalpy recovery of glass including the sub-Tg peak and 'overshot' were found in BMG. The evolution of the sub-Tg peak and 'overshot' were described by the free volume theory and Hodge's model, respectively. It was found that the former failed to describe the enthalpy recovery in the BeG, while the latter could give a qualitative explanation. In com-bination with the dynamics in the BMG, the origin of the enthalpy recovery in the BMG was discussed. The results show that BMGs are an ideal material to investi-gate the physical aging. The further understanding of physical aging of BMGs is useful to clarify the nature of glass and improve the application and device of new types of BMGs.