The centrifugal separation with gravity experiment was made for getting every pure macerals like inertinite and vitrinite, and the isothermal adsorption tests of pure mac-eral are carried out at 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65 ~C, respectively, after analyzing the proximate, element and maceral of coal samples, which was aimed to study the CO adsorptive capa-bility of every maceral of low rank coal at difference temperature and pressure. The results show that the adsorption isotherm of CO can be described by Langmuir equation because it belongs to the Type I adsorption isotherm at low temperature(T≤50 ℃), and the tem-perature effect on coal adsorption is greater than of pressure in lower temperature and pressure area; what's more, the relationship is linear between the coal adsorption quantity of CO and the pressure at high temperature(T>50 ℃), it can be described by Henry equation(Q=KP), which increases with pressure. Both temperature and pressure has great influence on CO adsorptive capability of low rank coals, especially the temperature's effect is so very complex that the mechanism need to study further. At the same time, the volatile matter, inertinite, oxygen-function groups and negative functional groups are high popu-larly in low rank coal samples, especially, the content of hydroxide(-OH) has great influ-ence on CO adsorption in that the inertinite has stronger effect than vitrinite on adsorptive capability of low rank coal samples, the result is same to the research on CH4 adsorption.