Scattering matrix theory for Cs Rydberg atoms in magnetic field
Based on the closed orbit theory framework together with the quantum defect the-ory and time-independent scattering matrices theory, we calculate the recurrence spectra of diamagnetic Cs atoms at several different scaled energies near the second ionization threshold. It is revealed that the new extra peaks in spectra are attributed to the combination recurrences of semiclassical closed orbits arising from core-scattered events. This method considers the dynamic states of the Rydberg electron in the core region and long-range region and can be analytically resumed to include all orders of core-scattering automatically. With this approach a convergent recurrence spectrum can be reasonably achieved. It is found that the spectral complexity depends highly sensitively on the scaled energy. With the in-crease of the scaled energy, the spectral structure changes from simple to com-plicate and the dynamic feature from regular to chaotic. The comparison of the re-currence spectra with Dando's result under the same conditions demonstrates that there exist some similarities and differences between them, and furthermore, the feasibility of the scattering matrix method is explained.