Minor alloying behavior in bulk metallic glasses and high-entropy alloys
The effect of minor alloying on several bulk metallic glasses and high-entropy al-loys was studied. It was found that minor Nb addition can optimize the interface structure between the W fiber and the Zr-based bulk metallic glass in the compos-ites, and improve the mechanical properties. Minor Y addition can destabilize the crystalline phases by inducing lattice distortion as a result to improve the glass-forming ability, and the lattice distortion energy is closely related to the effi-ciency of space filling of the competing crystalline phases. A long-period ordered structure can precipitate in the Mg-based bulk metallic glass by yttrium alloying. For the high-entropy alloys, solid solution can be formed by alloying, and its me-chanical properties can be comparable to most of the bulk metallic glasses.