Long-term study of male rabbit urethral mucosa reconstruction using epidermal cell
Aim: To investigate the transformation of characteristics of epidermal cells from foreskin which were used to reconstruct male rabbit anterior urethra in combination with acellular collagen matrices. Methods: In three rabbits, autologous foreskin epidermal cells were isolated, expanded in vitro, and seeded (inoculated) onto a tubular acellular collagen matrix, acquired from allogeneic rabbit bladder submucosa. A urethral mucosal defect was created, and urethral reconstruction was performed with the tubular acellular collagen matrix seeded with epidermal cells. Results: On gross examination at 12 months following the procedure, the mucosa of the urethral grafts appeared lubricous and smooth. Urethrography showed that a wide urethral caliber had been maintained without any sign of strictures. Histological examination showed a transitional cell layer in the graft without evidence of a margin between the graft and the host tissue at 12 months postoperatively. Conclusion: Epidermal cells seeded onto acellular collagen matrices can be successfully used to reconstruct urethras that have defects and are transformed to transitional epithelial cells.