Coagulation of a giant hemangioma in glans penis with holmium laser
A 21-year-old man presented with an enlarged giant hemangioma on glans penis which also causes an erectile dysfunction (ED) that partially responded to the intracavernous injection stimulation test. Although the findings in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indicated a glandular hemangioma, penile colored Doppler ultrasound revealed an invaded cavernausal hemangioma to the glans. Surgical excision was avoided according to the broad extension of the gland lesion. Holmium laser coagulation was applied to the lesion due to the cosmetically concerns. However, the cosmetic results after holmium laser application was not impressive as expected without an improvement in intracavernous injection stimulation test. In conclusion, holmium laser application should not be used to the heman- giomas of glans penis related to the corpus cavernosum, but further studies are needed to reveal the effects of holmium laser application in small hemangiomas restricted to the glans penis.