A new family of high-Tc compounds-Stepping stones toward understanding unconventional superconductivity
High-transition temperature (Tc) superconductivity was first discovered in layered copper-based oxides (cuprates)more than two decades ago[1], but its theoretical inter-pretation remains controversial[2,3]. The main question concerning the high-Tc superconductivity phase diagram is the transition between the antiferromagnetic (AF) and superconducting (SC) phases, which is dominated by anomalous properties commonly attributed to a pseu-dogap[4,5] in the spectrum. It is believed that the high-Tc mechanism in cuprates cannot be fully understood within the BCS theory[6] that explains normal supercon-ductivity. Despite much effort, there is no consensus as to the origin of the pseudogap properties, and the high-Tc mechanism remains an open question.