Control of friction oscillator by Lyapunov redesign based on delayed state feedback
The stability andboundedness of mechanical system have been one of important research topics. In this paper ultimate boundedness of a dry friction oscillator, belonging to nonsmooth mechanical system, is investigated by proposing a controller design method. Firstly a sufficient condition of the stability for the nominal system with delayed state feedback is derived by constructing a Lyapunov-Krasovskiifunction. The delayed feedback gain matrix is calculated by applying linear matrix inequality method. Secondly on the basis of the delayed state feedback, a continuous function is designed by Lyapunov redesign to ensure that the solutions of the friction oscillator system are ultimately bounded under the overall control. Moreover, the ultimate bound can be adjusted in practice by choosing appropriate parameter.Accordingly friction-induced vibration or instability can be controlled effectively. Numerical results show that the proposed method is valid.